Antique and Vintage Finds

Authentically Old Jewellery


Latest Discoveries


The Journal


Antique vs. Vintage

People love to throw the word ‘vintage’ around when selling jewellery, but what does it actually mean? And how is ‘antique’ different?


How Do I Know?

How do I know if the items I find are actually antiques? Learn the general factors that make it obvious an item is from another time.


Our Story

Nine Emeralds Boutique was founded from a hobby of collecting and a fascination for everything with a history. A background in jewellery sales and history study combined to create this venture: finding authentic antique and vintage jewellery, and allowing you to continue its story.

This beautiful company is the passion project of our founder Darcie, whose interest in photography, web design, marketing and old jewellery found its home in this site. Get in contact today via our Contact tab to chat about jewellery, history, and everything in between.